How to join LethalBorNKillerZ


First of all to join LBK your highest skill achieved in halo 3 should be at least 5(Rank does not Matter in Call of Duty 4). You also need to contact us at my gamertag EliteSlayer95. Also you need to respect and Trust your fellow team mates and you can be any rank in halo 3 to join but you highest skill achieved has to be 5 or more. These are the only requirements to join LBK.

History of LethalBorNKillerZ


LBK was formed on nov 2007 on halo 3 in the matchmaking lobby. There was about 13 of us at that time. For about a month we were just a group of people that called each other a "clan" but then we suddenly went our seperate ways. Then maybe about on July 1st we returned and finally gave ourselves a name. First it was lethalkillaz. And we also had a old website. Here's the link - But now we designed a new one which is this one. And we also got our new name "LethalBorNKillerZ" on July 4, 2008.

Games of LethalBorNKillerZ

The only genre of games that LBK plays are are only warfare games. Mostly they are warfare games and maybe there might be some other types, we haven't decided yet. The games that we play currently are Halo 3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty World at War, and Gears of War 2! These are the games of our clan LethalBorNKillerZ.

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LethalBorNKillerZ Xbox LIVE clan 2008 © All rights reserved